Run: Long Previous Next


5:00 PM

16 mi


7:49 mi


tread mill at wilsons due to rain, doing long run on monday due to race on previous sunday, 2 weeks left until marathon

exact overall pace uncertain, started with warm up and then 8:30 mile, incresed every speed 1/10 every few songs until reaching 7:30 pace a fw miles up until mile 14, ran miles 14-16 at 7:03 withlast quarter at 6:00 pace, this was a very satisfactory run considering race yesterday and a double rotten day at work that made me not want to run at all, I hope im learning to ruun despite how I feel that day,

used gels after 40 and 80 minutes however did not have accelerade gels/ was out, did use excelerade powder drink
