Run: Easy Previous Next


2.6 mi


7:42 mi


Oof so hot out and legs were a bit sore. Cut the run a little short before I shriveled up in the sun.



how do you stay motivated to run its been so hard

Anneliese Schulz

It really depends on what's happening in school - some weeks are good and some are very bad which means I'm restarting a lot. But sometimes if I don't run I feel sad and that outweighs how tired school has made me and is usually enough to get out the door. ALSO my 61 year old mom has been biking about 10 miles a day this summer and I tell myself if she can bike 10 miles a day I can go for a run. I'm also hoping when school is a little less intense next semester I can get back to 50 mile weeks.

Anneliese Schulz

Also, if I'm really really dreading running after a long day I give the run like 10 minutes and usually after about 10 minutes even if I felt bad/tired before the run I'm happy I'm getting something in. Or just not wearing a watch and enjoying just getting some fresh air can help with battling feeling burnt out and super focused on how far/fast you're going. Hang in there, running solo and balancing it with life can be really hard sometimes.


<3 I'm happy to hear and see you still trying to make it out there and get something in! But you right, my dad still runs everyday and longer than me and he's 74 haha. Totally get the sadness there, its like a mental battle of not having motivation to run and being sad about that but then being sad because I'm not running. I'm hoping I can get back to a more consistent amount but also trying not to put too much pressure on myself to run since that adds to the burnout. But reading your logs help!

Anneliese Schulz

The sadness is a big ugly cycle for sure. You've definitely got the right approach, more pressure is more burned out. You got this, just start small and progress up <3


Thank you so much!! :) Best of luck to your running, as well!

Anneliese Schulz

Thanks! :)