Run: Fartlek Previous Next


10 mi


6:55 mi

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Workout today. Strong south wind, cold, and blocked roads, so we ran back-and-forth on the one mile stretch of Emerado road with trees on the south side. The wind block actually worked pretty well overall. Did a 12 minute warmup, 6x70sec pickups on the 3:00, a little cooldown, and then finished off in the bleachers at the Hyslop. Had to wear 2 layers of pants today, and that combined with my mini-cold, weightlifting yesterday, and a race on Saturday, and this was actually a pretty difficult workout. My legs got really tired and my breathing was hard to keep under control on the last couple. However, I still gave it my 100% effort, so no complaints there. After all that I tried some striders, but my legs felt like crud from running on the concrete, so I just did 3 striders, stretched, and called it good.
