Run: Easy Previous Next


9:47 AM

2.3 mi


15:26 mi


172 lb
133 bpm
142 bpm
50 bpm


32 F
  • Map


Rain, didn't feel bad. No hip twinges, which is good. Day off yesterday and rolling it with ice bottle probably helped. Wore C9 tights, Mini long sleeve, blue PI vest, Mini cap, gloves (took off early on, put back on when walking). Garmin totally fucked up mapping of early part of route--put me out on the dam, then cut through the power station. Think the mileage ended up fairly close, though.



16:13 (Pikisaari bridge)

15:02 (Pikisaari woods) pace for last .27 mile

I've decided because of running contest to do runs by time, not distance, as some of my distance runs may slip under time categories for contest when I don't want them to (for instance, added half a mile to long run Sunday to ensure over 2 hours--came in just shy of 2:01, which was fine, but if I'd had an extremely good day I'd have missed a lot of points!). So my formerly-2 mile runs will be 35 min, etc. Could just do 31, but want to make sure I get at least 2 miles even if I have a bad day. I'll give it a week or so, and see how it goes.

Heavy day of period.
