Run: Easy Previous Next


11:34 AM

4.5 mi


15:16 mi


172 lb
138 bpm
154 bpm
50 bpm


-9 F
  • Map



Temp -23C/-9F, "feels like" -28C/-18F. Coldest I've run yet! It also snowed on me for the first two miles, which was odd because I could see the sun over to the southeast. Like having my own personal snow cloud following me...somehow, that seems very Finnish. Wore Craft base tights, C9 tights, Craft ribbed top, Hincapie wool jacket, Hincapie kevlar vest, Paul's Pearl Izumi balaclava, regular socks, white gloves. Legs got numb, arms not terribly happy. Core fine, hands and feet fine, face better than expected (helps if every once in a while scrunch it up to get blood flowing--bet it looks odd to passersby, though). If it stays this cold, I might just need wind tights. Next time, at least, I'll add compression shorts to help the haunches out.

Kept average HR at/under MAF for first two miles, after that it was just too cold. I could feel the difference in heat once I went above 140--tried doing a few intervals where I'd push it up above 140 then get back below MAF, but eventually (mile 4) I went for the heat over the HR. Last half mile I tried to slow back down, and did get HR below MAF towards the end. Half-mile or so walk to, uh, cool down was brutal. Only time my hands got cold, even wearing those cheap-ass cotton gloves.


15:42 ave HR 133 max HR 140

15:39 ave HR 136 max HR 144

15:04 ave HR 138 max HR 143

14:05 ave HR 143 max HR 154

last half mile pace 15:44 ave hr 139 max 151
