Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:30 AM

2 mi


13:30 mi


147 lb
50 bpm


65 F


10 / 10
10 / 10
  • Map

Miller Park


I am now going on a running schedule of 1 long run a week, 1 short and hard run a week, and one easy run of my choice. This is inspired by Joe Henderson's book Running 101. Sat. I did a long run on the Forest Service roads and trail, today I did the short, intense run at Miller park, and Wed. I wlll do something not too hard, and fun. Don't know what a tempo run is, but since I had timed it pretty well, and it involved what I would call intervals, and sprints, I entered it as that. Today I ran one mile at race pace, and included 4 sprints of short duration, and then repeated that . Also walked a little afterwards. It was pretty hot out there today.
