Run: Long Previous Next


2:08 PM

20 mi


6:41 mi


155 lb


73 F
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what an amazing day to run. After getting out of work around 1:30, i made sure my watched was charged and good to go. I was a little worried that my right hamstring might bother me a bit because of all the leaning over i do at the restaurant at night, but it seemed to be fine during the first mile.

I did 2 loops, the same course as the Somesville 10 and 20 miler held in the winter. My starting point was at the swimming area on Oak hill rd, and it was really nice there. Started off with 7oz of camelback Elixir and 7oz of water and one GU. I found that i really didn't need any thing until 10 miles in, which was nice. But after i started drinking and such my body just seemed to want more. The first loop was a bit fast, and i think i kinda told my body to slow it down. I was really feeling good through 13 miles, then once i hit the long hill on the Indian Point rd to get onto Pretty Marsh rd, it was hard work after that. I'm proud of myself for only stopping once at 19.1 miles to finish up the water i had, whcih only last about 30 sec maybe. I knew i had to keep going.

Brittany was my support this time as i supported her on her long run on Friday. She filled up my Nathan 2 7oz bottles at 15 miles with water and handed it off to me about 16.5 which i really appreciated. She said i was suffering at the 16.5 and said it was the first time where i actually look like i was working really hard. (well i think at that point i was pretty tired and just wanted to get it over with)

Overall, i think this long run went well. I would like to start off slower and finish faster, but hey for the first time ever running over 16 miles i'm wicked pleased! 60 days till Marathon Number 1!
