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5:50 AM

8 mi


8:39 mi


116 lb
153 bpm


33 F
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Temp 33, DP 28 - just about perfect running weather.

First workout back. Workout was 2 miles/1 mile. Since I'm not quite sure where I am, I decided to start really conservatively. I ran in a pack with Daryle and Maria for the first mile, then picked it up some for the second mile. ANnoyingly, my shoe got a bit loose during the last laps of the second mile. I retied, did the recovery jog, only to have my shoe come completely untied about 900m into the mile. I stopped, retied, and picked up again, only to have it come untied again after 100m. Annoying. Oh well. Still felt good to be back, I just would have liked a better perspective on where I was fitness wise.

One puff of dulera in the morning.
