Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:50 AM

7.8 mi


8:07 mi


116 lb
160 bpm
184 bpm


70 F
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Supposedly a dewpoint of 69 - huh? Air was pretty thick. Used inhaler twice before warm-up; surprisingly the humidity isn't as much as an issue as I expected -- seems to help a lot if I start off pretty easy and then ease into the tempo (coach is right - imagiine that)

A bit uneven -- ran the first lap pretty slow per coach's caution (1:44) before settling into tempo, which meant that I basically ran one lap at 6:52 and then the next 3 averaging 6:33 pace. In the second mile ended up slowing up again to ~6:40 pace (800m split was 3:19) before picking up the pace at the end. More evenness next time, I guess.

Pepto before hand. Stomach was a non-issue.
