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5:54 AM

12.4 mi


8:43 mi


108.5 lb
153 bpm
182 bpm


73 F
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Temp 73, DP 72. Air Quality orange (101).

Did 6x800, 4x200, trailing David K. and working with David M, Lisa, Aurelia, Robert, Kate W, and Sarah W. Good group. Split 3:04, 3:01, "2:58", 2:58, 2:55, 2:51 and then 41, 40, 41, 41. The quotes around the third rep are because my shoe came untied just after the start of the third interval. I pulled off to the side, retied it, and then continued, but also paused my Garmin without thinking about it. George called 3:03 for the split, and I think it took me 5 seconds to retie the shoe, so we'll call it 2:58. Not that it matters.

800s felt very good and controlled - best workout I've had in several weeks, despite the weather. I think my fitness is starting to come around.

Breathing was surprisingly good. In addition to Advair 250/50 and 2 puffs Qvar, I did 2 puffs of the rescue before to be proactive since the air was so bad.

Breakfast was rice, hemp powder, French toast and salted caramel GUs, and some chocolate hemp blocks, Sat well.
