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6:21 AM

12 mi


8:15 mi


106.9 lb
152 bpm
175 bpm


43 F
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Temp 43, DP 36, wind of 7 MPH from NE.

Ran at Yorktown track (complete with an annoying mat I had to step over each rep). Did 2x1200, 3x800, 400, 2x200 with 400 recovery. Splits were 4:39, 4:39, 3:07 (fell asleep), 3:01, 3:01, 87, 43, and 42. Recoveries between 2:2x and 2:4x.

Felt decent, though I'd like a bit more speed. Legs don't have enough explosiveness to push my HR that high, it seems.

Breakfast was rice, hemp powder, smores and berry GUs - sat well.

BReathing was Breo, Qvar, and rescue in am - breathing good.

Wore longsleeve and shorts - right clothes for weather.

Wore ankle braces - L/R balance at 48.7/51.3

Saw Jillian during workout - that was nice.
