Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:50 AM

11.5 mi


7:49 mi


114 lb
159 bpm
181 bpm


39 F
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Temp 39, DP 27 - some issues breathing -- maybe because of dry air? A bit windy on the track, though not horrible. Not my easiest tempo.

4 mile tempo in 26:09 (6:35 pace) - splits were 13:14 for two miles (apparently missed hitting lap at mile marker), then 6:33, then 6:22 (last mile based on when Garmin shows I stopped, as I forgot to hit stop). I had to work a lot harder for this then I would like -- legs weren't too tired, but breathing was tight. Worked pretty hard at staying calm and focused. I was tensing up a bit -- I need to work more on staying relaxed.

Split cooldown between track and a bit of Custis (by Brian's)

Followed up with injury prevention work at gym - squats (4x8 at 105, 115, 135, 145), good mornings (3x10 at 110), and single leg deadlifts (4x5 at 25).

2 puffs of inhaler before. Was wishing I'd used more.
