Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:41 AM

12.1 mi


8:05 mi


107 lb
149 bpm
178 bpm


69 F
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Temp 69, DP 61; minimal wind; pollen of 6.6

Did 4 mile tempo on the track, running 25:47 as (6:35/6:24/6:27/6:21). Felt very controlled and relaxed - very happy with this, especially for my first tempo workout in nearly two months. Worked with Chris C, Carolyn, Damien, Bradford, David M, and some others - through 5K, then finished on my own.

Did the HM/5K/mile warm-up beforehand - it worked well. I did finish the warm-up too early, though - was cooling down a bit before the workout, and was a bit stiff the first mile.

Did 6 hill sprints at MM 2 on Custis after.

Breathing was good - Advair 250/50, Qvar, and 2 puffs of rescue

Breakfast was rice, hemp powder, and smores and salted caramel GUs.
