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8:05 AM

17.5 mi


8:19 mi


107.8 lb
161 bpm
174 bpm


35 F
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Starting temp 35 and DP 22; ending temp of 41 and DP of 26. Wind of 3 mph from sw (felt like more).

Parked at the tennis center and did the 4-3-2-1 workout (originally planned to do 3-3-3-1, but felt good enough to do 4-3-2-1.

Splits were:

4 miles in 30:13, average pace 7:34

3 miles in 22:34, average pace 7:31

2 miles in 15:12 average pace 7:36

1 mile in 6:59

1 mile easy between each.

L/R balance 48.9/51.1

1 mg Artane at 5:30 am

Breakfast was rice, sunflower butter, chocolate clif gel and salted caramel GU - sat well.

Breathing was Advair 250/50 and Qvar - breathing good.

Wore running jacket and tights - dressed well for the conditions.
