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5:50 AM

11.3 mi


8:40 mi


111 lb
154 bpm
183 bpm


78 F
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Temp 78, DP 76. Ran 1600, 1200, 3x800, 2x200, working with a big crew including Chris C, Larry, Seamus, Dan, Kate W, Sarah W, Robert, Dani, Lisa, Dave M., and others. Splits were 6:10, 4:31, 2:59, 2:58, 2:52, and then 40 and 39.

Felt hard but controlled - pretty happy with this one, especially given the weather and tired legs from Sunday.. Worked on pulling my shoulderblades together and was impressed with how much it improved my speed and breathing.

Recoveries after the 800s were long, but I'm not too worried about that - we got in good aerobic work with the 1600 and 1200; it was so hot that my HR wasn't dropping much between reps; and I'm working on short distances right now anyway.

Breathing was good - Advair 250/50 and Qvar.

Breakfast was rice, hemp powder, and lemon and salted caramel GUs. Stomach off, but not from breakfast - just more GI bleeding.
