Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:10 AM

12 mi


8:11 mi


107.8 lb
161 bpm
177 bpm


70 F
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On Fluffy, incline at 0.5. Temp of 70, DP 45 (41% humidity).

Did 7x5 minutes at tempo effort (started at 8.5mph, and progressed upwards to 8.6 mph, finishing at 8.8-9.0 mph for the last minutes of the last few reps) with 1 minute jog. Then jogged 6 minutes before doing 6x30 seconds at 9.5-10.0 mph (0.1 faster for each) with 90 second jog.

L/R balance at 48.8/51.2

Lost Runn Sensor for first mile or so, so that mile was artificially slow.

Breakfast was rice, cereal, 1 black cherry shot blok, chocolate and vanilla clif gels, and some dark chocolate - sat well.

Breathing was Advair 250/50 and Qvar - breathing good.

1 tab sinemet at 5:00 am. Gait a bit off for first 3/4 mile, and then much better.
