Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:56 AM

13.8 mi


8:09 mi


107.2 lb
147 bpm
173 bpm


44 F
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Temp 45, DP 43 - really nice weather.

Soloed an 8K tempo in 32:18 (6:40/6:29/6:27/6:24/6:18) and then jumped in to keep Jenn company through her 400s 21, 23, and 25.

8K tempo felt surreally easy - more like marathon pace, and HR was very low. I did fall asleep more or less on the first mile - I think I was so worried about getting sucked out with the 25x400 crew that I was too cautious. Then hit an easy rhythm.

I think I also subconsciously held back a little in anticipation of doing some 400s after. But that's OK - better to run this one too easy than too hard.

Ended up being a high mileage day. I'll take it easy in the pool tomorrow. I'm in good shape and it's time to start easing back.

Breakfast was rice, hemp powder, and smores and salted caramel Gus, plus half a berry stroopwafel. Sat well.

Breathing was good - Advair 250/50 and Qvar. I did attempt to use the rescue before just to be pro-active because my old allergy has been flaring, but it wasn't working.
