Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:46 AM

10.1 mi


8:48 mi


109.1 lb
153 bpm
176 bpm


29 F
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Temp 29, DP 24, supposedly wind of 6 mph from west, but I didn't notice at all. Definitely dark, with no moonlight

Did a 5K tempo (was planning 3200, 1600, but swapped because the first mile was so relaxed). Sat behind Andrea and Caroline for first mile and then picked it up. Ran 22:23, split as 7:22/7:09/7:00/0:52

Gait felt considerably better and more stable in the dark. I still had some issues passing other runners, but didn't flinch when being passed.

L/R balance was 47.6/52.4

Breakfast was rice, cereal, dark chocolate, chocolate and vanilla clif gels - sat well.

Breathing was good - Advair 250/50 and Qvar.

took 1 pill Rytary at 4:15 am. Ate breakfast a bit close (20 minutes after)
