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5:50 AM

11.6 mi


9:01 mi


111 lb
144 bpm
177 bpm


70 F
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Temp 70, DP 62 - decently strong wind from north. Pollen of 10.1.

Did 6x800, trailing Chris C. and Skylar, working with Dan, Kate, and Sarah. Kinda sleepwalked most of these - really fell asleep on the first, and then cruised the rest. I did pick it up on the last one to get the legs turning over and split 2:48 without digging too deeply, which was nice.

The others were all around 3 minutes - definitely not a ball-busting workout, but I'm not supposed to be running these hard right now. Was tempting to drop a few more, but since I'm tempoing on Thursday and felt very sleepy this morning, it was best to stick to 6. Splits were 3:09 (!), 3:02, 2:59, 2:58, 2:58, 2:48.

Breathing much improved, despite the pollen. Not 100%, but probably as good as I can get for this time of year. Took a vanilla bean GU before, plus a chocolate GU Stroopwafel. The combo breakfast of GU, Stroopwafel, HT bagged brown rice, and a bit of hemp protein powder seems to work best for my pre-hard running breakfast right now - much less throat/GERD issues (which helps with the breathing).

Right quad/IT band a bit tight, though I worked out of it. Probably from yoga yesterday (being too aggressive in pigeon pose)
