Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:50 AM

9.9 mi


7:34 mi


116 lb
163 bpm
183 bpm


51 F
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51 degrees at start, falling to 47. I actually liked the temps, though the wind was pretty gusty.

Workout was supposed to be 3x2 miles with 2 lap recovery between each), though everyone else ended up doing 2x2, and I only got to do 2x2+1.

Felt good for the most part -- I got to the track late, and warmed up a bit less than my norm, resulting in feeling a bit sluggish for the first mile. Splits ended up being 13:05 (6:36/6:29); 12:45 (6:28/6:17); and 6:00 flat, with the last mile feeling the best and most fun. I note with amusement that the net time for this tempo that totaled 8K was 31:50 -- almost exactly the same as my 8K PR from last week - uh oh.

(excuse: the 8K race was run without breaks on a course with multiple hairpin turns and an impromptu shoe-tying break...)

Followed with injury prevention work at gym, including 4x8 squats at 105, 125, 135, 145, and 2x10 good mornings at 95.

Some Pepto (stomach better since I cut out the rice that had a bit of gluten stuck in it). 2 puffs of inhaler at 5:45. Half a chocomint GU right before start.
