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5:50 AM

7.4 mi


7:51 mi


116 lb
166 bpm
192 bpm


73 F
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Very hot and humid -- workout started quite good, but had breathing problems bad enough in the second rep that I had to drop out for a quarter, then hop back in. Workout was 2x3200m, ended up doing it in 13:05 for the first (which felt good - 6:35/6:30) then splits of 6:39, 3:19 for the second 1.5, stepped out for a bit, then finished the final 40om in 1:35. Annoyed that I felt so good on the first rep, and so bad on the second. HR monitor shows that the HR really surged.

Foot felt absolutely fine. I kept the cooldown very short to play it safe, though.

Used inhaler for two puffs before. Dewpoint of 64.
