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5:50 AM

9.3 mi


7:54 mi


119 lb
161 bpm
186 bpm


45 F
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Decent. Originally wanted to do 5, but coach told me halfway through first mile to do no more than 4 (I thought at first that he wanted me to slow, so backed way down than sped up).

Right hip flexor wasn't pulling, but I started to sense it, and my stomach started cramping at the 2 mile mark (cramps -> bad core engagement -> more stress on psoas) so i decided then to speed up and shut it down at the 5k mark.

Splits were 6:48, 6:41, 6:36, and then 0:47 for last 200m (6:16 pace).

Felt the psoas a tiny bit again on the cooldown, so stopped early.

Used inhaler right before warmup, and then again before start. Breathing was hard, but so much better. Pollencount medium.
