Run: Long Previous Next


7:28 AM

17.5 mi


7:36 mi


108.3 lb
162 bpm
171 bpm


47 F
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Starting temp 48, DP 41, ending temp 52, DP 42. Started with low wind, but ended up with brisk wind from the north (about 10 MPH) by the end. Pollen of 11.2

Parked on Hains Point. Did the 4-3-2-1 workout, split as:

4 miles in 28:01 (7:07/6:58/7:00/6:56) with 1 mile float in 7:56

3 miles in 21:00 (6:54/7:02/7:04) with 1 mile float in 7:59

2 miles in 13:46 (6:54/6:52) with 1 mile float in 7:46

1 mile in 6:50

This felt long, which makes sense, since it was. Legs tired at end. Gates were closed at first, so I had to adlib the 4 mile repeat. Gates were open starting with the 3 mile rep.

Breakfast was rice, hemp powder, smores and salted caramel GUs - sat well.

Breathing was Breo, Qvar, and rescue in the am - breathing good.

Took an expresso GU during run; took part after 4 mile, and part after 3 mile. Also carried water.

L/R balance at 48.3/51.7; wore ankle braces.

Wore sportsbra, shorts, buff, and gloves - right call for the weather.
