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10:19 AM

16 mi


7:40 mi


109.8 lb
153 bpm
174 bpm


50 F
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Temp and DP 51, light rain. Did an out and back solo on the Mount Vernon trail from Roosevelt Island to Alexandria and back - did it progressive, split as 8:45 for first 5 miles; 7:38 for next 5 miles; 6:48 for last 6.

Trail was hard to follow in Alexandria.

I felt sluggish at first, but better towards the end - most likely due to breakfast choices (more below). Wore tights, long-sleeve shirt, gloves and felt slightly warm and uncomfortable, but that was the point.

Breathing was good - advair 250/50 and Qvar.

I split breakfast in two, to practice Boston. First breakfast was at 5:45 - rice, hemp powder, and smores and salted watermelon GUs. Later, at 8:15, had rice, hemp powder, hemp bites, and chocolate stropwafel plus some sports beans.

Felt a bit sluggish by 10:15, which I think was because of the sugar/caffeine crash post breakfast. So, I probably need to minimize the caffeine/sugar until closer to the race.
