Bike: Easy Previous Next


3:00 PM

21.7 mi


16.77 mi / hr


Felt F75


189 lb
159 bpm
168 bpm
52 bpm


74 F


TO WORK leg ==> Time: 1:17:45, Distance: 21.726, average speed: 16.77

Temp: 68° AVG HR: 158, MAX: 168

Happy to at least have better weather, but I had a real long way to go, all the way to Van Bortel to pick up my car. I mapped out the route, and decided to avoid going past the mall on 96 due to the traffic and the GIANT hill. The ride started off nice, but I felt a little tired. Bad sign. It wasn't the only bad thing to happen. I got to the DOT station at Monroe ave and made a bad decision to go through the grass... to bumpy, not good for the rims. A couple of cement corners weren't nice to the rims either. I missed the path entrance at the end of Shoen Place and decided that it was a sign. It was. I forgot that the pavement ran out just past Schoen Place. NOT GOOD! This TOTALLY SUCKED on a road bike. I made it to Marsh road without too much issue, but will avoid this in the future. I got a little anxious and turned off 96 early onto Kendon when I should have turned on Benson. Similarity was a bit too much for my noodle-leg addled brain. Benson road did although offer some very nice scenery and some much needed variation from the straight flat roads there are so many of around here. All in all this was a good ride, but my attitude and fatigue made it painful. Take your good with the bad and move on.

Sleep: Not great, but not bad (bed at 11:30pm, wake at 6:30am)

Mood: ok

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: (home) black Trek shorts, yellow firecracker shirt (good)
