Bike: Hill Previous Next


6:00 PM

23.9 mi


17.95 mi / hr


Felt F75


183 lb
143 bpm
165 bpm
46 bpm


74 F


8 / 10
7 / 10


Time: 1:19:50, Distance: 23.88, average speed: 17.95

Temp: 74° AVG HR: 143, MAX: 165

Today was the first attempt at getting in some hill climb workouts on the bike. It became obvious that I was seriously lacking in this capability from my results in the Cazenovia Tri this past weekend. So, in the effort to fix that, I chose to create a loop close to home that had as much climbing in a short distance as possible. This route is a little tough, due to the fact that it includes Browncroft Boulevard. This portion of Browncroft is a divided highway with two lanes in each direction. This makes for an interesting ride. Thankfully there is a pretty wide shoulder to ride on, so the cars aren't so much of a problem. The hills are nice though. It definitely tests me. I was all the way down in gears a couple of times and I had some difficulty keeping my cadence up. The first couple of hills were the worst, and then I figured out that I could actually push a little harder and get back up to the cadence where I needed to be. It's not that bad, but is definitely going to take a couple of times to get used to how to get up the hills quick. A decent ride, except for the storm drain that popped my back tire. Another ride where I needed to change a tire. Oh joy.

Sleep: decent (bed at 10:30pm, wake at 5:30am)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints, just a little tired

Clothes: Nashbar Tecumseh bike shorts, red Zoot Tri sleeveless shirt (nice)
