Run: Easy (145bpm) Previous Next


8:00 AM

5 mi


10:08 mi


182 lb


72 F


2 / 10
6 / 10


10:15.0 0:10:15.0 AVG HR ???

10:17.0 0:20:33.0 AVG HR ???

10:49.0 0:31:22.0 AVG HR ???

10:05.0 0:41:28.0 AVG HR ???

09:08.0 0:50:36.0 AVG HR ???

workout AVG HR ???

Long run today, but was intended to be SLOW, EASY and RECOVERY from my first Triathlon yesterday. So, I started out slow and pretty much put as little effort into this as possible. I felt pretty good, just tired. The HR monitor is pretty much out of batteries, so it was not registering a HR at all for this run. It has to get sent back for the battery, so I am going to be without it for a while. The last mile I wanted to push a little, just because, so I picked up the pace to about a 9 min mile from over 10. No problem. A good run considering yesterday's activities.

Sleep: good (bed at 11:30am, awake at about 7:30am)

Mood: good

Physical: no complaints, just tired

Clothes: light blue Nike shorts, yellow firecracker shortsleeve shirt, red FleetFeet hat (HOT and SWEATY)
