Bike: Hill Previous Next


8:00 PM

22.8 mi


18.78 mi / hr


Felt F75


184 lb
49 bpm


82 F


10 / 10
8 / 10


1:12:57.0 1:12:57.0 AVG HR ??? CADENCE: 90

workout AVG HR ??? (HR monitor went back to Polar for a new battery today)

Hill workout today. I need to get better on the bike and I'm not going easy anymore. I'm going to hit it hard and give it a ton of effort. I feel pretty good about where I am with fitness in general and this past weekend I think I proved that in the Triathlon. BUT I know I can get better. I was in about the top 35% of the field in the bike and I want to get better. SO, I am going to try to get in a 20-30 mile HILL workout once a week. Today was that day. I created a new route that hits a couple big hills in Penfield, on Panorama Trail, Penfield Road and Highland Avenue. My strategy for today's ride was not to work too hard on the flat and downhill, but to keep the speed up and hit the uphill sections as hard as I could. I tried to concentrate on spinning my feet and not getting into the rut of just pushing. I find this keeps the speed up a bit better. On all but the two or three big hills I was able to keep my speed at or above about 15-16mph. The bigger hills were a bit slower, but not too much. On the hill up Panorama Trail I only dipped down into the 9-10mph region for a little bit, and for the rest I was at about 12-13mph. The hill on Penfield Road on the other hand was much more of a killer. I tried not to let it get below 10-11mph and was able to sustain 11-12mph for most of the worst part of the hill. The hill up Highland Ave by Cobb's Hill park was a bit faster at about 13-14mph. I also found that my recovery time was actually pretty quick for the most part after I got to the top of the hills. Also I found that pushing harder up the hills made it easier on the flat and therefore a bit faster than usual. This was a great ride despite the increased effort.

Sleep: not good (in bed at 1:30am, woke up at 7:45am)

Mood: tired and beat

Physical: tired

Clothes: black Nashbar shorts, red Zoot tri sleeveless (HOT and SWEATY)
