Run: Hard (160bpm) Previous Next


3 mi


10:20 mi


197 lb
160 bpm
180 bpm
50 bpm


38 F
  • Map


09:51.0 0:09:51.0 AVG HR 148

10:52.0 0:20:43.0 AVG HR 163

10:17.0 0:31:00.0 AVG HR 167

workout AVG HR 160

Today I wanted to get up a lot earlier than I did. I had my alarm set for 7, but turned it off cause I needed more sleep. I finally did get up around 9:30, but didn't get out until 10:30. I took Greta with me again today. She was better today, but again, she peed on the sidewalk twice. I didn't quite feel right today. I started out OK, and my HR was pretty good, but that didn't last. I tried to dial it back the whole time, but it wasn't working. I stepped it up to a nice quick run for the last 1/8th mile or so. That part felt good. The rest was not so nice.

Sleep: bad; couldn't get out of bed. (bed at 12:30am)

Mood: in the groove for the first part then out f whack

Physical: lower back a little sore

Clothes: shorts, red compression shirt, NewBalance jacket, black winter hat
