Swim: Race Previous Next


8:20 AM

600 m


2:04 / 100m


185 lb
156 bpm
172 bpm
46 bpm


75 F


10 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

16 / 217 (7.4%)
3 / 23 (13%)
16 / 132 (12.1%)
  • Map

<No name>


SWIM portion of Shoreline Triathlon!! My second Triathlon!! I was a bit excited for this, but that kind of goes without saying. I was looking forward to this race because I had already done my "first" and so the nerves of doing it for the first time were not there. This time was different though, with all men starting at once, in the second wave after the women. I knew that this was going to be tougher since it was in Lake Ontario and the waves were rolling pretty good. This caused me to take a HUGE BEATING on the first leg of the triangular swim course. Based on the pace for the Tri-in-the-Buff, I was expecting my swim pace to be about 1:52 pace per 100. I ended up at 1:53/100yds. The waves in the first leg sucked bigtime, and had it not been for them, I would easily have had a better pace. The exit to the beach was not that bad. A few rocks, but pretty small and easy to navigate. Then we had to run up the beach, up a big grassy hill and across a pretty big grass field to the transition area.


I was able to get the upper part of my wetsuit off as I ran up the hill from the beach for a "Run to T1" time of 1:08. Then I did the rest in the transition area and clocked a T1 time of 2:11. This is not fast, in fact it was INCREDIBLY SLOW. Wetsuit was difficult getting off, and the latch portion of my helmet busted as I was putting it on. So, needless to say, I was a little upset going onto the bike. This time I had gotten some Gatorade pouches and put one in my shirt for the beginning of the bike. This was a HUGE benefit and I will be doing this again.

Either way, this was my best discipline, by far.

Sleep: good (bed at 12:00am, wake at 5:45am)

Mood: excited

Physical: no complaints
