Bike: Race Previous Next


8:35 AM

16 mi


20.3 mi / hr


Felt F75


185 lb
160 bpm
168 bpm
46 bpm


75 F


10 / 10
10 / 10

Race Result

59 / 217 (27.2%)
11 / 23 (47.8%)
55 / 132 (41.7%)


BIKE portion of Tri-in-the-Buff Triathlon!! My second Triathlon!! This time, getting going on the bike was a bit of a problem, because of an issue with my helmet. This time I wasn't going to lay back and go slow at all. I was going to pound on the pedals as fast as I could and just keep going. I started off making pretty poor time because I was trying to fiddle with my helmet, but I quickly gave up and just ignored it. After that I was feeling pretty good. So, I tried to only let people past me that were on souped up TRI bikes and I tried to hang with them as best I could. At about mile 4 (I know this because I was checking) the bike computer ejected itself from my handlebars out onto the road. I then had to stop, go back and pick it up, then start riding again. I should have just left it in cadence mode the whole way, knowing full well that this was an issue, but I was curious about my average speed to gauge how I was doing. Dumb, just ride, and ride hard. This ride was pretty flat the whole way and I was going a good job of staying down in the drops and was keeping my cadence at 95-100. I was flying. A very good ride overall. Much better than previous efforts.


I was able to get my helmet and shoes off, sneakers and hat on pretty quick, could be faster, but not bad. I had put some gatorade in my water bottle on the bike and I tried to get some down in the last few minutes of the bike, but didn't succeed in getting much down. I wasn't going to waste more time trying to gulp some down leaving on the run. I just got out of there.

I am satisfied that I am improving on the BIKE portion, based on speed during this Tri. Based on ranking/percentage of the field, I didn't do as well, but there was a lot more competition in this Tri.

Sleep: (see previous)

Mood: (see previous)

Physical: (see previous)
