Bike: Easy Previous Next


10:45 AM

41.3 mi


18.34 mi / hr


Felt F75


179 lb
144 bpm
161 bpm
47 bpm


69 F


5 / 10
7 / 10


Average speed was 18.3

Rode the same new course as last week. Today the weather was a bit nicer. Temperature was much more comfortable, but half-way in it started to rain a little bit, which made it interesting. Today I wanted nothing more than to ride faster than last time. I was a bit unhappy with last week's performance, and I know I need to log more miles, so I made the most of this ride. I didn't work too hard all around, but I did try my hardest on the hills. I pushed to go no slower than 12mph up any hill. This proved challenging on a number of instances, but I did my best. I am pretty sure that this was the reason for most of the improvement over last time. That and the wind was at my back for most of the second half of the ride. There wasn't too much wind today, so that was probably not a big factor, but I definitely noticed a faster pace all the way on Route 64. A great ride, lots of fun.
