Bike: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 AM

5.1 mi


19.61 mi / hr


Felt F75


182.5 lb
160 bpm
165 bpm
46 bpm


70 F


9 / 10
8 / 10


0:15:27.0 0:15:27.0 AVG HR 160 CADENCE: 95-100

workout AVG HR 160

SECOND Bike part of BRICK workout. This workout was a fast, high energy, short distance workout, concentrating mostly on speed and keeping my effort really high. This was the second of two bike rides. This one was meant to be faster than the first, pretty much an all-out effort. I ended up riding this one faster, but only by a little. I was much more interested in getting the speed up on the bike today than any of the runs, so this average speed makes me pretty happy. I am very glad to see that this 5 mile ride was over a half-minute faster than when I did it the same thing three weeks ago. I think one thing that helped was to stay "in the drops" for most of the ride. Keeping down on the handlebars obviously makes a big difference. I was going nearly race pace, but I think that in the actual race I should be able to put a bit more effort into it. I'm hoping anyway. A good ride.

Second transition practice was next. Again, I was not interested in making this a race simulation, just do it and do it smooth, not fast. I was able to park the bike, change my shoes, remove helmet and put hat on in 55 seconds this time. Fairly repeatable from the last time at 53 seconds. Nice.

Sleep: (see previous)

Mood: (see previous)

Physical: (see previous)

Clothes: (see previous)
