Bike: Race Previous Next


8:30 AM

24.9 mi


18.63 mi / hr


Felt F75


180 lb
157 bpm
173 bpm
46 bpm


72 F


10 / 10
7 / 10

Race Result

58 / 178 (32.6%)
16 / 31 (51.6%)
58 / 126 (46%)


BIKE portion of CazenoviaTriathlon!! My third Triathlon!! After last time, this time getting going on the bike was easy-peasy-Japanesey. Again, I was going to try to not lay back and go slow at all. I was going to pound on the pedals as fast as I could and just keep going. I started off making pretty decent time, but the course and the wind would quickly become HUGE factors. The beginning part of this course was either false-flat or uphill and the uphill sections were INCREDIBLE gradients. Lowest gear, standing on the pedals, going all of 5 mph. Then there were a couple of MAD downhill sections, one where I got up to 51.2 mph. This was incredible. I was able to make up a lot of time at the top of the hill and going downhill on a number of riders who passed me going uphill. Probably something I should pay attention to in the future. Hills. Hit em, and hit em hard. The loop they had us on was a long, narrow out and back kind of route, so the first part was with the wind and downhill, then you turn into the wind and ride back uphill. Crap. I did my best to try to stay down in the drops and keeping my cadence at 95-100, but the hills and the wind really took a lot out of me. I finished the bike and felt that I wasn't prepared for this.


I was able to get my helmet and shoes off, sneakers and hat on pretty quick. Again, I had put some gatorade in two water bottles on the bike and I tried to get some down in the last few minutes of the bike, but didn't succeed in getting much down. I wasn't going to waste more time trying to gulp some down leaving on the run. I just got out of there. T2 time was a respectable 1:08. I say respectable because this time ranked me 47th overall, 27th in men and 20th in my age group. OK, it could be better.

I am satisfied that I am improving on the BIKE portion, but this Tri really tested my capabilities on hills. It showed I have an obvious weakness. I need more hill workouts on the bike.

Sleep: (see previous)

Mood: (see previous)

Physical: (see previous)
