Run: Race Previous Next


10:00 AM

10 km


8:34 mi


180 lb
160 bpm
168 bpm
46 bpm


72 F


9 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

83 / 178 (46.6%)
20 / 31 (64.5%)
67 / 126 (53.2%)


RUN portion of Cazenovia Triathlon!! My third Triathlon!! Unlike last time, this course provided a very eventful run start. Right out of Transition and out of the park was a pretty steep uphill. After the killer hill bike, my legs felt like LEAD WEIGHTS. I had a very hard time sustaining anything close to what would be called a fast run. I was just trying to suffer through the noodle-leg syndrome, which was in worse than ever. The first mile was really rough, as I sorted out my speed and effort level. Then it got worse. Uphill again and again. I felt from the start that I was pretty much out of gas. My HR wasn't that high though, hovering at just below 160. I tried to push it higher, but my legs were resisting those commands. The course leveled off towards the end of the first half, but the 5k turn-around point was at the top of another decent climb. I walked for a few seconds while I grabbed some water at the turn and then tried to push a little harder in the second half because I knew it was downhill. I hit the lap timer on my HR monitor at the turn-around and it said I was 27:12 before I stopped to walk and drink. That gives a 26 flat split to the finish. I figure that I was running at about an 8 min/mile pace on the second half, judging by the incredibly poorly noted mile markers on the route. This is 20-30 sec/mile faster than the first half. In total, my pace was 8:35 per mile. This is a true indicator of how I felt. I knew I was struggling, but this just confirms it. If I am going to keep doing Intermediate/Olympics or try to go for a Half-Ironman, I am going to have to run more.

These results show that I am only seeing progress into faster running, in shorter distances and flat courses. I still need to work on this, to get my race-pace a bit faster, but I am moving in the right direction. I am WAY down in the field in speed on the run.

Sleep: (see previous)

Mood: (see previous)

Physical: (see previous)
