Swim: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

1500 m


1:46 / 100m


180 lb
154 bpm
172 bpm
46 bpm


72 F


9 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

22 / 178 (12.4%)
5 / 31 (16.1%)
17 / 126 (13.5%)
  • Map

<No name>


SWIM portion of Cazenovia Triathlon!! My third Triathlon!! After doing my first two triathlons, I wasn't as excited for this. I was looking forward to this race because it would be my longest Tri yet. I had looked at the course maps for the bike and the run, but pretty much ignored the swim portion of this Tri. That was mostly because I knew it would be in a small lake. Generally this met my expectations, and it seemed like it was going to be generally pretty easy because of this, but the weather would be a HUGE factor today. The wind was blowing pretty hard and it was causing some decent chop on the lake. I was hoping for a very fast swim, but instead had to struggle a little with the choppy waves. I also went a little easy because of the fact that the distance was longer this time. The splits from Score-This lumped the swim, the run-to-transition and T1 all into one time (28:46). So, I figured that a 0:45 second run to T1 and a 1:30 T1 time gave me a 26:31 swim split. This matches pretty close to the HR monitor split I got personally. This ends up giving me a 1:37 pace per 100. Not bad, but could be better. I need to not concentrate on this so much though, since my swim puts me in about the top 12%. Right where I want to be. The water exit was a little rocky, the ramp to the beach slippery and the grass to T1 was uneven. Whining, but it makes for a poor attitude when I have to deal with this kind of thing.


I was able to get the upper part of my wetsuit off as I ran up the hill from the water. Then I did the rest in the transition area and estimate that I had a T1 time of 1:30. It went a lot faster this time than usual. I also grabbed the Gatorade pouch and put one in my shirt for the beginning of the bike. This seems to be a big benefit.

Either way, this was my best discipline, by far.

Sleep: yuck (bed at 11:30pm, wake at 4:45am; long drive from Roch. to Cazenovia, poor choice)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints
