Bike: Tempo Previous Next


6:30 AM

20.4 mi


17.66 mi / hr


Felt F75


189.5 lb
142 bpm
154 bpm
50 bpm


61 F


6 / 10
4 / 10


Time: 1:09:22, Distance: 20.42, average speed: 17.66

Temp: 61° AVG HR: 142, MAX: 154

Today was a pretty good morning. I woke up pretty much when I wanted to, but didn't get out of bed right away. By the time I did get up and going it was later than I wanted to leave, but still OK. I'm pretty sure it would have worked out much better had I just gotten up when my alarm went off, but anyway... The ride was good. It was definitely different doing a bike ride in the morning. I was a little tired, and felt like I didn't have much energy. I knew that I would never be able to put down the kind of pace I did last week on the same route. It was fun though. I tried to keep the pace up as much as I could, but sill was just a little off the prior pace. A good ride.

Sleep: eh (bed at 1:00am, wake at 5:45am)

Mood: tired

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: black Trek shorts, red RRS shortsleeve, bike gloves (perfect)
