Run: Moderate(155bpm) Previous Next


6:30 AM

6.1 mi


8:47 mi


183 lb
49 bpm


70 F


9 / 10
7 / 10


09:00.0 0:09:00.0 AVG HR ???

08:30.0 0:17:30.0 AVG HR ???

09:00.0 0:26:30.0 AVG HR ???

09:15.0 0:35:45.0 AVG HR ???

08:45.0 0:44:30.0 AVG HR ???

09:03.0 0:53:33.0 AVG HR ???

workout AVG HR ??? (HR monitor is out for service)

Longer run today, but also a harder run. I am trying to up the volume and intensity of my runs to try to get a boost in this portion of my triathlon training. Today's run was intended to be a good effort overall, with a big effort on the uphill sections. I kind of hoped that the pace would have been a bit faster, but I can't complain since I did ride almost 23 miles less than 12 hours earlier. It was actually a good run, I just wish I was able to run faster.

Sleep: good (bed at 12:30am, awake at about 6:00am)

Mood: good

Physical: no complaints, just a little tired

Clothes: light blue Nike shorts, yellow firecracker shortsleeve shirt, red FleetFeet hat (WAY HOT and SWEATY)
