Bike: Easy Previous Next


9:30 AM

18.2 mi


15.99 mi / hr


Felt F75


197 lb
166 bpm
54 bpm


64 F


6 / 10
8 / 10


Time: 1:08:08, Distance: 18.16, average speed: 15.99

Temp: 64° AVG HR: 166, MAX: ?? (HR monitor said 215; pretty sure that wasn't right ;) )

Today was the first ride out on the roads on the road-bike for the year. HIGHLY unseasonal weather for April 3rd, so I took advantage of it. The weather was beautiful, just the right temperature. I had the HR monitor on me for this ride and it basically indicated the whole way that I was out of shape, so I didn't pay much attention to it. For the most part the ride was fairly easy. I didn't try too hard to go fast, or do much of anything beyond just keep my cadence where it should be. I found it a lot easier than I thought it was going to be to keep the cadence at around the same as I do on the stationary trainer. I did find that going up hills was definitely where the cadence took a big hit. Tough to keep up going up. The route had a number of places that were under construction, so that made it somewhat interesting to navigate around. Not bad, just had to pay attention. I was pretty tired for a good portion of the way, but the ride down University Ave was especially punishing, because the wind was right in my face the whole way. Mostly just irritating, not really terrible. The other thing to pay attention to for the future is arm and shoulder position. Due to the broken elbow I noticed that my arms and shoulders were VERY uneven. I need to stretch my broken-elbow-arm a bit so that I can rest on it when fully extended and have it even with my 'good' arm. Otherwise it was a good ride!!

Sleep: decent (bed at 12:30am, wake at 8:30am)

Mood: motivated

Physical: still a bit sore in the lower back and hip

Clothes: black bike-shorts, yellow firecracker shortsleeve (perfect)
