Bike: Easy Previous Next


4:30 PM

25.6 mi


17.32 mi / hr


Felt F75


194.5 lb
52 bpm


60 F


7 / 10
6 / 10


Time: 1:28:03, Distance: 25.6, average speed: 17.44

Temp: 60° AVG HR: 165, MAX: 203?

Today was the second ride on my new road-bike. The weather was beautiful, so I plotted out a new ride. A nice long one. I went out around Mendon Ponds Park. The ride out there was nice, there were some pretty good hills, but nothing serious. Plus the wind was at my back. I realized this when I turned onto 251 and headed right into the wind. The wind was pretty much in my face the whole way up Rte 64 into Pittsford. And WOW were there some hills on 64. I was NOT ready for THAT! This was a really good route though, and I am definitely getting used to riding the new bike. I like it. A great ride overall!

Sleep: decent (bed at 12:00am, wake at 9:00am)

Mood: woke up on the wrong side of the bed... irritable

Physical: just physically tired, not rested

Clothes: new black bike-shorts, Yellow Firecracker short-sleeve shirt (good, but a bit chilly)
