Bike: MTB Previous Next


6:30 PM

10.6 mi


17.01 mi / hr


178.5 lb


75 F


7 / 10
7 / 10


This ride was a recon ride to get used to the course for the Black Diamond Duathlon. I have been on the Auburn Trail enough to know it pretty well by now, but I wanted to do the course from start to finish, because some of it I have not done before, and I wanted to get a feel for the length and duration. I also did a run before and after this ride as a brick workout. I started a little bit down Main Street from where the actual race will start and finish, but I ended up doing the whole race course. The section on the Auburn Trail going south is just a tiny bit up hill, but it makes a significant difference in speed. I was only able to maintain an average of about 15.5mph going south. When I turned around and headed back north, I was almost immediately able to get my speed up above 20mph and keep it there. Certain sections are a bit faster and I was able to go 22.5mph for a good bit of it. The section down the Lehigh Valley Trail was a bit flatter, and because of this I averaged about 18-19mph in this section. Then there is a small section of road before getting back to the 'transition' area of the DU course. Old Dutch Road is going to be FUN in the race. There is a part going down a decent hill that is all covered with gravel and loose stone. Nice. A good ride, but a bit boring riding on the cinders almost the whole way.

Sleep: (see previous)

Mood: (see previous)

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: (see previous) + helmet & gloves (hot and sweaty)
