Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:15 AM

21.4 mi


16.9 mi / hr


193 lb
153 bpm
173 bpm
47 bpm


61 F


7 / 10
6 / 10


TO WORK leg ==> Time: 38:00, Distance: 10.748, average speed: 17.0

Temp: 55° AVG HR: 152, MAX: 169

I really wanted to ride yesterday, but it just wasn't going to happen. I am trying to put a little more emphasis on cycling in my training, so I skipped a run this morning to ride to work. It ended up working out a little odd, but I got my stuff together and went. I didn't leave until late, because I had to drop off Bub at school first. When I did finally get going I felt good. I pushed a little bit, but only here and there. I tried to keep my HR down a little bit, which worked a little easier than expected. It even felt easier. I was way faster (avg speed and total duration) than the last time also. It was a really good ride, even though it felt like it was going to rain on me the whole time.

TO HOME leg ==> Time: 37:53, Distance: 10.634, average speed: 16.9

Temp: x61° AVG HR: 153, MAX: 173

The ride home got off to a good start. I was running a little behind, so I was rushing a little bit to get going. I also wanted to get home in time to pick up Bub, so I needed to push it a little bit. My legs were definitely tired. I didn't have too much issue with the flat parts, but the hills killed my legs. I just didn't have the strength to push up the hills. Otherwise I felt pretty good. I think the rain/wet slowed me down a little too. Either way it was fun and I felt good. ~NICE!

Sleep: decent (bed at 11:30pm)

Mood: energetic and happy

Physical: OK

Clothes: (to work) shorts, black compression shirt, PearlIzumi jacket

(back home) shorts, black compression shirt, PearlIzumi jacket
