Bike: Easy Previous Next


1:00 PM

30.4 mi


18.05 mi / hr


Felt F75


187.5 lb
149 bpm
171 bpm
50 bpm


84 F


6 / 10
7 / 10


Time: 1:41:02, Distance: 30.39, average speed: 18.05

Temp: 84° AVG HR: 149, MAX: 171

LONG ride today. First long ride in quite a while due to vacation last week and part of the week before. I had a bit of an issue getting started today because the chain on my bike was trashed. The rear derailleur has been acting funny for the past couple of rides and I haven't been able to figure out why. Well today I found one link that was all but disconnected. So, after a ride over to Towpath Bikes and a bit of repair work, I was back up and running. About two hours later than I wanted to start. Anyway, after I did get started, I felt pretty good. I knew that today would probably not be the greatest ride ever, so I just went out and gave it whatever I could. It was a little bit windy (out of the South West), so that played a part in the area down and around Mendon Ponds park. The hills seemed hard, but not quite as painful as they have been recently; a mild improvement. The last 10-15 minutes were a little rough also, since it was starting to rain, so I stepped up the effort to try to get home before I got totally soaked. A good ride, considering.

Sleep: yuck (bed at 11:30pm, wake at 7:00am)

Mood: eh

Physical: no complaints

Clothes: Nashbar LQ8 shorts, Zoot sleeveless shirt, bike gloves (hot)
