Run: Race Previous Next


7:45 AM

13.1 mi


8:10 mi


181 lb
170 bpm
177 bpm
46 bpm


61 F


10 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

283 / 1838 (15.4%)
28 / 104 (26.9%)
217 / 787 (27.6%)


08:25.0 0:08:25.0 AVG HR 156

07:46.0 0:16:11.0 AVG HR 167

07:56.0 0:24:07.0 AVG HR 167

07:55.0 0:32:02.0 AVG HR

08:13.0 0:40:15.0 AVG HR 170

07:55.0 0:48:10.0 AVG HR

07:56.0 0:56:05.0 AVG HR 171

08:09.0 1:04:15.0 AVG HR 171

08:11.0 1:12:26.0 AVG HR 172

08:15.0 1:20:41.0 AVG HR 171

08:20.0 1:29:01.0 AVG HR 172

08:22.0 1:37:23.0 AVG HR 172

08:31.0 1:46:49.0 AVG HR 175

Race AVG HR 170

My second attempt at a half-marathon. Same course as 2007, slightly modified for the finish. The race started at 7:45 and it wasn't raining, but the roads were wet and it was threatening to rain again. I tried to do my normal stretching routine followed by a light jogging warm-up. Then the (poor choice) Red Bull "power boost" caffeine drink kicked in and I had to go to the bathroom, right before the start. This turned into a very bad thing, because by the time I got to the crowd of people at the start line I was way back in the pack. It was bad because I got caught behind a HUGE number of very slow people and I had to fight to get any pace going. This lasted until well into the first mile, when I realized it was an 8:25 pace. WAY OFF of my goal to be under 8 min/mile. So, the next mile I kicked it up and tried to keep it there. I felt really good for the next three miles, to mile 4. Then the hills started to kick my butt and my pace took a bit of a hit in the fifth mile. I made it up in the next two, to the half way point and still felt pretty good. Mile 8 went by and I still felt pretty good, but was slowing down a little and I was starting to get concerned. Mile 9 went by without too much problem, but I was at about an 8:11 pace at this point. Then by mile 10 I really started to notice I was getting tired and sore. My calves were a bit knotted up and I didn't have much energy left. I tried to just maintain the pace. Then by mile 11(just before the Ford St. Bridge) I realized I was just hanging on. I was giving my all to keep the pace up at this point. I pretty much didn't have anything left for the end, I tried to kick up the pace, but it just wasn't happening. I think for this race, I have no regrets about not giving enough to the effort. I gave everything I had and had nothing left in the end. THE GOOD NEWS is that I beat my time from the last time I ran this!! I ran over 6 seconds per mile faster than I did in 2007! I was at 8:16 then and this year I ran an average of 8:10! The other thing to remember is that in 2007 I was training for this event. This year I was training for triathlon and ended up beating my time from last time!! ~AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!
