Run: Easy (145bpm) Previous Next


6:30 AM

3 mi


8:57 mi


184 lb
137 bpm
149 bpm
46 bpm


53 F


2 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


09:01.0 0:09:01.0 AVG HR 131

08:58.0 0:17:59.0 AVG HR 139

08:50.0 0:26:49.0 AVG HR 142

workout AVG HR 137

An easy run today. First run after the half-marathon. All I wanted was a nice little 'recovery' run. I needed to get some miles back in my legs, to loosen them up. My calves were still very sore and tight from Sunday, and my quads were a little on the angry side also. I tried to use little to no effort and concentrated on form and rhythm. At the beginning, it felt like I wasn't going to be able to run very far, because my calves were screaming, but they seemed to be loosening up as I ran. So, I just plodded along, trying not to get my stride too far out of whack. My HR was way low the whole time. This confirms for me that I am never drinking caffeine before a run again. It doesn't seem to do much for my energy level, and it jacks my HR up so high it causes me to back off my pace. So, by the end my legs were much looser than they were at the start and I was only just above the 'easy' HR level of 145 with a little push of speed at the end. The pace was less than 9 min/mile even with the HR being so low!! A very good run.

Sleep: good (bed at 10:30pm, awake at about 5:30am)

Mood: good

Physical: calf muscles were VERY tight and sore, quads were a little sore

Clothes: red RRS shorts, yellow Firecracker short-sleeve shirt, red hat (cold at the start, perfect after 1.5 miles)
