Run: Progression Previous Next


14.2 mi


8:39 mi

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<No name>


So this was set up to be a last easy long run. But I've been feeling tired this last week, likely due to a bunch of "new" things these last three weeks and the wipe-out workout Tuesday, and the trail preview run was canceled that I'd originally scheduled for today. So I thought I'd do 18 easy. When my running buddy texted me about her workout yesterday, I thought about keeping the long run or doing her run with her. Either way I'd do the first 8 with her. Since my other running buddy was also going to do the 14, I figured I'd enjoy running with them more than alone. Didn't have anymore Gus and just 2 Shot Bloks. Drank water three times and ate the Bloks at mile 5. Caroline's progression was a lot smoother than mine, and I struggled a little to keep up, but I leveled up in the mental game (no music, about 20 meters behind them), and feel pretty good. Now to keep my knee in check! It's been nagging me for about 2 weeks now. But with 2 weeks out from the last major race of the season, I'm just hoping it stays okay until afterwards.

Training Plan Entry


20 mi

Hungryland Preview run

18-20 miles
