Run: Recovery Previous Next


7:30 PM

9.2 mi


7:19 mi


5 / 10
3 / 10


50-60', recovery

Easy run. Through two miles felt awful, quads were very sore and for a while I had some pain in my right knee. After that everything cleared up though and I felt fine for the rest of the run. Except for the last mile, I had a pretty painful stitch. Slow pace, but everything has been lately :/ however I keep popping good workout days so I'm not freaking out quite yet. Race EARLY tomorrow morning! Very excited, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous too.

Are wayyyyy to much today, double breakfast due to an intern event and then a large lunch at chipotle as well. DUMB

Training Plan Entry


8.5 mi


50-60', recovery
