Run: Long Previous Next


8:00 AM

17.6 mi


6:45 mi


181 lb
  • Map


Great long run in Lake Placid. It was tough! Ran the majority w/ Jake, Millar, Brian, and Colin. We stayed on the road the entire time, ran into town and did a loop around the lake, then turned around and went back. I was hurting pretty much from the beginning and after 30 minutes we started slamming, low 6 minute pace. I was basically hanging on for dear life. Got a bit of a second wind once we turned around at 52 minutes and felt a little better. At 60' I stopped to wait for Jake to take a pit stop and the others left us. We kept a solid pace going through 13 miles, probably averaged ~6:20 for the first 13. At that point there was a killer 2+ straight mile uphill that I pretty much slogged up, fell off Jake by quite a bit. Once I got over it I felt pretty good again and did the rest of the run at an ok pace. Still negative split the OB portion of the run by about a minute, then added on another 2ish miles on my own. Good run!



Where are all the alums trash talking now?

Jarrett Kunze

Gotta save my trash talk energy for kicking Robs ass at SPAC