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9:12 AM

17.2 mi


7:13 mi

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Long run #3 on the course, out on the bike path -> Comm Ave to the firehouse, then followed the course back to Mass Ave. Legs pretty tired on this one, not too surprising the day after a race. For the most part I was fine though, but it got pretty warm by the end (high 80s) and from Heartbreak on it was a bit of a grind. Wasn't feeling up to adding on to get 18...

Base Training week 7/12: Another week where volume was pretty good (consistent at least), but feel like I'm one run away from being in the 90s where I would like to be. Felt kinda crappy and unmotivated the first half of the week, but rebounded this weekend with a nice race. Based on yesterday, I am ahead of where I was this time last year, and July is when my training fell apart due to injury, so in another month I should be far ahead. Need to be doing more strides still, as well as SAM... I say that all the time, need to think of a way to hold myself to it. Also, sleep could certainly be better. I think my tempo workouts can start to be a little more focused, based on the races I've done I can probably be doing shorter tempos / cruise intervals at ~5:50 (road) and longer tempos at ~6:10 (MP).

PRERUN: lunge matrix
