Run: Long Previous Next


9:00 AM

16.3 mi


6:42 mi


Long run on the Mohawk-Hudson bike trail, pretty cool spot. I think this is close to what Jake got for distance. Big group on the way out, me and Jake went out for ~56, towards the end we were really moving out. Continued a hot pace after the turn around (that middle segment of the run had multiple 6:1x miles). After that we slowed down a bit but Jake slowed down too for me which was good and kept me motivated and we were grinding along at a decent pace. With 30 to go was in a good rhythm and was confident that I could push through to the end but then caught a very painful side stitch in the last 13 which forced me to alternate running normally and hobbling along. Still negative split the run by about 4 minutes.

Well it was almost a pretty solid run if I hadn't had the stitch, but it probably would have been better to not start cranking until at least after the turn around. But at the same time I was hoping to go for 2 hours and so I wanted to go out further before turning around. Bit of a catch-22
